Sunday, 30 November 2014

Xmas Time is Finally Here !

We got xmas lights and -tree before it's even december (well tomorrow is the 1st, but still) !! Right now I'm the most happiest girl in the world, happyhappy and happy. 

Pistettiimpä tänään sitten jouluvalot & suurinosa joulukoristeista ylös !! Ei oo vielä ees joulukuu (no okei huomenna on...) ja oi että oon tällä hetkellä niiiin onnellinen. Onnellinen. Ja vielä kerran jos joku ei ymmärtäny niin onnellinen

I linked to you couples of special xmas songs for this year - pari tän vuoden speciaalista joululaulua myös tossa ekana !

Ihanaa joulun odotusta kaikille, Enjoy the festive season, xx Anna / Amppu

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

A quick look in my last 100 days

It has been 100 days since this picture were taken ?!! I can't believe it, time has gone so fast ! Into these 100 days has become so many new memories, so many lovely new friends and a new life here in England. Here are couple of pictures from my days so far and I need to pologise the quality of them, maybe next time more time to edit and focus on them and make them look better.

100 päivää sitten toi kuva otettiin Suomen lentokentällä ?! Aika on lentäny ihan älyttömän nopeesti ja näihin 100 päivään on tullut niin paljon uusia muistoja, uusia ihania ystäviä, uusi elämä Englannissa. Tässä on pari kuvaa mitä mun 100 päivään on oikeestaan kuulunut. Aika normaalia elämää sanoisin, yrittänyt sosiaalisoitua niin paljon kuin mahdollista (viikonloppujen perusteella oon kyllä ihan kiitettävästi onnistunut (:D))

Couple pictures to prove you that I do have a social life here too (:D) And then of course the most known weather here: Rain !

I have also had movie nights, seen fireworks, bonfire, eat a lot (hah) and been in Canterbury Cathedral, had Onsie day at school, Had a Poppy day or better known as Remembrance day (picture below) when everyone, everywhere needed to wear a poppy to show their respect to those who lost their life in the wars and a lot more and many things coming !

Paljon on siiis vietetty viikonloppuisin leffailtoja & tyttöjeniltoja ja muuta hauskaa kavereiden kanssa! Kunnon ilotulitukset ja iso kokko oli myös yksi ilta ohjelmassa, Katedraali Canterburyssa nähty, koulussa vietetty koulupukujen sijaan Onsie päivää, yhtenä päivänä Poppyt (kuva alapuolella) näkyi kaikilla jollain tapaa asussaan ja niillä oli tärkeä merkitys sodissa kuolleita vainajia muistaessa !

And more food and one more time London. To February we have booked a trip with INTO to Scotland, I'm so looking forward it ! 

Ever again as bad postning, I'll promise ! Now anyway, good night sweeties xx

Lisää ruokaa tottakai ja vielä kerran Lontoon kuvia. Helmikuuhun varattiin tänään retki Scotlantiin INTOn kanssa, en millään jaksa odottaa sinne asti ! No ensin on kuitenkin joulu ja uusvuos ja vaik mitä suunnitelmia lisää ! Hyvää yötä ihanat, xx

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Throw Back on Halloween

Oh those times.. It was Halloween ! Finally got these picture also here to my blog and I need to apologise that it took this long time with them - I can't even believe how busy i've been  - but words to descripe my life right now would be super busy and so happyhappyhappy, because xmas is coming !!!!  And things are starting to go again better as they did while ago, I have been ill almost one week now, but finally going to be healthy again so it's good again to feel that energy in my body - i have missed it !
  Anyway, here's some pictures from my really special one: I did my first pumpkin, experienced Zombie walk through Herne Bay and really dressed up like I did last time when I was a child ! It was awesome and something what haven't ever seen before !! 

Picture is picked from

I'll try to make time as quick as possible to put more pictures from my life since two weeks before they'll become too old and too many to put here and show you !
I think I need to apologise too my worst english ever .. Hah, I can't believe it has been this bad the whole week - I really hope after this 'hard times' to speak it, it really will become better (:D) !!

xx Anna